Monday, 15 June 2009

There's nothing like camping in the great indoors

So my parents had gone away and I had plans to cook us up a 3 course meal good enough for Ramsey, and to treat my man like a king for the night. However my 9 hour shift as 'Peter the Greeter' at work put me in the most sluggish mood imaginable, so we opted for takeaway and cider and ate under the clouds! I love the great outdoors and so after an evening of cheeky drawing lessons we set up camp in my living room. But in our minds ( which is the more of a reality than the physical world anyway ) we we're surrounded by nature (flowery carpet) and bears (teddys on the sofa) in Annecy France, we had a beautiful view over the Lake (drink spillage) and a mountain (stairs) behind us. We awoke the following morning to find definate proof that ducks can teleport. Putting that aside we boiled a chicken/egg and sat basking in the sunshine, it wasn't long before we noticed somebody had joined us! one of Cornwalls rarest flowers, the Springhead Sandwert there she was petals stretchd out in my back garden! Proving it is fate that i'm moving down to Cornwall next September. After this exciting revelation we decided to realize a dream i've been harbouring for years.. to climb the biggest Sick-in-the-edd-amoore Tree in my garden, and thats where we spent most of the afternoon, the view over the fields of gold was spectacular However it wasn't all smiles and sunshine, this was infact a very sad and poignant day. It was the the day that the beloved Hulk (Fiat Punto of dreams) was to be put down and so we thought it only right we take him for a penultimate roadtrip. final destination.. Krispy Kremes!!!!!

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